10th Street Elementary Home

Home of the Eagles!

About Us

Welcome to our school's new website, which is designed to have easy-to-access information about our school for students, families and employees. This site is designed to work well on your mobile devices as well as on a computer. Please take a look around, and revisit us soon as we will update the site throughout the school year.

News & Announcements


We Are One L.A. Unified

The rich diversity that permeates our school communities is one of our defining characteristics and greatest assets. L.A. Unified proudly brings together students from all walks of life, backgrounds, and regions of the world, giving students and staff unparalleled exposure to diverse viewpoints and cultures.


All students in grades K-12 have NO COST access to on-demand tutoring help before or after school. All elementary and K-8 span schools have Paper.co. All secondary, K-12 and 6/8-12 span, options, and virtual academies have Tutor.com.


Feb 13

Parent Workshop / Taller de Padres

Time: 8:15 AM – 9 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de Padres

Feb 19

ELAC / Juanta de ELAC

Time: 8:15 AM – 9 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de Padres

Our Mission

To ensure that our students graduate ready for the world, we empower them with a high-quality, rigorous college preparatory education that fosters academic excellence, principled character, visionary leadership and a lifelong love of learning.